UK Jazz News Review on The Free Musketeers

Tony Dudley-Evans has just attended the  7th European Jazz Conference, held at the Telliskivi Creative City in Tallinn, Estonia between 16 and 19 September 2021. 

The Free Musketeers presented a totally off the wall, completely mad performance in which the actor Jan Kaus portrayed theatrically a man initially without friends, then discovering friends, but who is then attacked and knocked out by his microphone.  This was in a sense so silly that it was hilariously funny, and I loved it.  Much of the enjoyment came from the excellence of the leader Mingo Rajandi on double bass, the brilliant interruptions from Ekke Västrik on synthesizerand Ahto Abner on drums.  Apparently the group appeared with great success at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.

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